Retirement options

Butyaknow with the global warming scare,and the melting Arctic ice; they say California will be flooded in a few years. Ima guessing so will be a large percentage of coastal lands.Southern Manitoba, where most of Manitobans live, is at mostly at 600 to 1500 ft elevation, and I'm at 900 ft or better, so thinking pretty safe....... from flooding at least. Global warming is prophesied to warm us up, and so for us,that sounds like a good thing. If you believe that kind of science.
Somewhere in the southern part of Manitoba, is the geographic center of North America, so I guess you could say we are centrally located, in the breadbasket of the continent. Manitoba used to be called the land of 1000 lakes, so we also have lots of Fresh water. IIRC we have three of the largest lakes west of the Great Lakes. And we have a lotta lotta Hydro-electricity. In fact our government is so generous, it sells to you for cheaper than what we pay. And why not, they can give it away on account of we pay double, to fill the coffers of greed, called "reserves".
Butyaknow;I got a lil money in the bank so can't claim I am being oppressed.But then again that same bank owns my home, allowing me the privilege of living here for as long as the payments keep rolling in.In my lifetime, I will never finish paying.
But I digress.
I love it here so much that, I may never leave Manitoba again so long as I live. It's as close to Paradise as I can imagine.