Mega Meet Omaha area

Thanks for being such a gracious host both days. As an outsider your club seems well run and I thought both days went super smooth. As tourists we got treated like royalty! You and your Team will likely hash out for hours the "post show" autopsy and pick it apart, but from the outside it rocked! Well done. Ditto on the highlight being meeting the FABO guys in attendance. They were all a hoot and I had a blast. Jaws gave me quite the days lessons on all things Early A body. He very patiently endured my many questions. I am just now learning the difference between a notch back and a fast back! Great group of folks and some super nice cars. Being able to talk and listen to Zman gave me a new appreciation for what you guys go thru to keep them stock. Being a racer that kind of stuff just never even registers with me. I am always trying to figure out what to strip for weight and how to get a roll bar in! I have a seriously new appreciation for the restoration guys. Thanks Zman!


