318 with 675/318 or 974/360 heads Cam Recommendations

Not to be offensive at all... but some areas the money is just not there in the general economy to charge higher prices. Some parts of the country are flat out poorer overall and you can't get anywhere charging prices that would hold up in the NE, for example.

I understand that’s how it is... but on the other hand, when you want to buy a new head resurfacer or guide and seat machine and the price is $25,000........ it’s the same $25,000 in WV as it is up here.
You need to be able to charge enough to pay for the machine, and still have a little left over for rent/food, etc....... as well as maintenance and updates for the equipment.

Engine rebuilding equipment is stupid money.
As an example, when I wanted to add the capability of using the Serdi style cutters to my guide and seat machine...... 2 cutter bodies, 3 tip holders, and an assortment of bits was about $2000..... and the sharpening tool was another $1000.