Need to get my rimblow or my cash back

If that's the case then the seller should just eat it!! If he cant afford to pay the fee he shouldn't be selling parts. :rolleyes:
See how ridiculous this sounds!
All jokes aside
I don't think it has anything to not being able to afford 3% its more about trust comrodery with fellow mopar guys. It's sad when guys with the same common interests cut another guy it the wallet just to make a buck. But unfortunately it happens every single day everywhere. I see a crap ton of it on Facebook!
I have no problem myself with the 3 percent. Some of the sellers here sell at such a good price it makes no sense thinking they should have to pay it. If that was the case you would go to a swap meet and think they should take 3 percent off the price because they are not shipping it and selling cash and carry. My feeling is if 3 percent is too much get out of the hobby as all hobbies come with cost.