Jonathan W. tows home a Toad

I am prob gonna get a flambe for this, but here goes. Sorry guys i just cant get into the toadies. They may have had great engineering but were smacked in the *** with an ugly stick. Virgil Exner was on his way out. I mean he reached the pinnacle of his designing flair in 1957 with the chrysler 300, as well as various desotos, dodges and plymouths. When tailfins went away, then it was all downhill from there. I dont think Exner knew quite what to do after that. The 1961 googly eyed dodge , plymouths, and chryslers were horrid looking IMHO. If i brought one of them ugly assed things home id probably and rightfully be in divorce court. And putting a hood scoop and mag wheels on one is like putting lipstick on a pig.

yeah, and I bet you ride a moped when your friends aren't looking....:lol:

agreed these cars are not for the timid....boldly go..!