Hillbilly plumbing

So I had a plugged drain and I thought I should prove to myself just how hillbilly i have learned to be.

So i am in the shower and the water is not draining and I get bath water to my calves so I think of my options.

1. Call and pay a plumber to come fix it.

2. Call my dad and have him come try to fix it.

3. Pour some draino or liquid plumber down the drain and hope it works.

4. Think of something hillbilly and free and effective.

1a. Calling a plumber would be like telling myself that I am as mechanically inclined as a software engineer and totally worthless around the house ( not a chance) plus it's too expensive.

2a. I don't want to bother him.

3a. Nah, seems to easy and plus that crap probably causes cancer to be 5 feet from it, plus it's too expensive.

3a. Now your talking, this might be fun.

I did find a fun way to fix it but I want to see what hillbilly ideas you all have first, see if I earned any hillbilly points on this one.

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That kind of clog is usually hair right under the drain and can usually be gotten without removing anything and is why I agreed with the posts about the removal of it.
I have to (de hair) ours once every couple of months and use hemostats or needle nose pliers to do it, but that plastic remover tool works great too.

What did you do, run a hose out the window and siphon the water out?:D