318 I D needed

Here are the only #s on the block. I know it's a 318, but as you can see in the 2nd pic you cannot read the year. The vin pad is not stamped with any #s
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Here is the balancer and crank. Is the balancer for a forged crank, The crank looks cast and has stampings and cast in #s. I'm thinking .010 on the journals. The rods and caps are not numbered , but has weird stampings on them such as , one has a star, one has a cone, one has a wine glass, another has a # and so on. ( maybe a warranty rebuild ?) Casting #s on the rods are 3418645 (common 318 ) and has .030 pistons, only # on those I see is
B285 up inside, flat top with 4 valve reliefs . Look like sealed power pistons maybe. What C/R ? Any and all help is appreciated . What year did the 318 go to a cast crank ?
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