the only thing I am going to say is this, when a "buyer" , has made a decision to make up sad , sad sob story , a lie , a straight up bullshit poor me , I can't afford all that or whatever the hell other reason in order to decieve and create sympathy by the "seller" to get a price cut or even charity , only to turn around and take that very same item and FLIP IT for double triple or even quadruple what they paid for it , is a BONIFIDE PIECE OF ****. I have been a victim of that on this very site, but not by Bob , but by others, and I can't tell you how ******* mad that made me. that is why I will never sell on here again. I'm all about making a buck . but when you lie ,cheat and steal to get there, you need your *** beat. soak that in Bob, and remember that.