Stop in for a cup of coffee

Actually got really nice outside for a bit. So, I decided to work on the Duster... I got a couple cans of Eastwood internal frame coating a couple weeks ago. Been meaning to do that for awhile now. Ran her op on ramps and crawled under. Rust never sleeps. I guess considering what I started with it ain't that bad, but have a few rust blisters and pinholes on frame. Maybe someday I will replace sections. Especially where the front frame meets the cross frame is really beat from jacking and internal rust. I reinforced it some inside when I did the floor pan. I think it's strong enough, but it's ugly. At least this stuff should help put it on hold. Anyway, I think I am about done the front and probably that's all for today. Looks like showers moving in within the hour. I'm about half dizzy from crawling in and out from under it anyway.