**1.88 tulip 'as cast' intake flow is**
Cfm@28" temp66/73% humidity
.100 52.7
.200 115
.300 166.4
.400 194.6
.500 187.2
**1.88 tulip initial port work shown w/short turn work on straight wall hump
.100 67
200 128.5
.300 186
.400 215
.500 243
Starts to saturate at the typical .530-.550 with it peaking @246
I could work on fixing that.. but these are getting 2.02 valves and I'll save it for another day. I just wanted to have a little fun with the 1.88 stock valve. A 1.94 would make little work to have a nice 255 cfm head... but the way the short turns are cast...you have 2 options imo...1 is to lay it back really far to get the even parting line, the other is to just put a bigger valve in it and you have to lay it back so far. I'm just small talking over a beer now.. anyways ..it's always interesting and fun. I need to do a vid or 2, or live feed er something.