Advice on ‘74 Duster

The body of this car looks OK, but I would be cautious, the duct taped overflow tank, the location that the mounted the MSD box, and no battery hold down along with hard to say but smallish looking rad. Its not these things in particular its more that there appear to be cobbled and if the cobbled on these things then where else did the halve *** stuff, I would definitely go over this car close before buying. I learned that lesson from this site on a 69 Cuda I was thinking about.

That’s a heat shield on the overflow, not duct tape (check the lower picture). The radiator looks like a 22”, and it has the right outlet for a V8 radiator. It’s not a 19” /6 rad. It’s not a 26” like you’d find on the later AC cars but plenty of the V8 cars did fine with 22”. Lack of a battery hold down is an issue, but it may have just been an oversight. Maybe the battery needed a charge or was recently replaced, hard to say it’s always been like that from a couple pictures.

The car isn’t perfect by any means, I think those giant MSD boxes are completely unnecessary nowadays, way better and cleaner options available. But I don’t think “cobbled together” is a fair statement either based on the pictures.