just one more cam selection thread

Ain’t that the truth!
All the dick measuring ain't helpin the OP at all, IMO. The fact is, you don't know that the "Mopar only" lobe is best in every single situation. And besides, if the OP wants "the best lobe" he's gonna be lookin from now till the day he dies, instead of choosing a cam, and getting his car going so he can have a good time.

In a street car, I couldn't care less about "what's best". I want to know what's proven. What works well. Not the latest and greatest hype of "XD" this and "Extreme" that. Snappy names hook people in all too easily. I want what's proven and what works mile after mile in a street application.

To the OP, just pick something similar to what we've talked about and go. Otherwise, you'll likely never make a choice. Nobody here is going to recommend something that will be a dead dog.