Last one to post in this thread wins!

We have a lot of acreage here that got no seed. I spent day with one of my guys, he was the lucky recipient of twenty some odd stitches in his hand. Laid his hand open pretty well, right across the palm. He too is a Marine, refused all pain meds just do a local and stitched it up. Most of my staff are vets. Didn't really plan it that way just kind of worked out that way. He and I are the only crayon eating Jarheads, most of the rest are Army.
I cut my hand good myself. They did a Bier Block. It's an air powered double tourniquet and lidocain. Worked real well. Only good for about 30 minuets of surgery. I cut some tendons. They fix them with these Chinese finger cuff thingy. Hand works perfect. I did a lot of circulation therapy with a goose bump ball. DR.was amazed at the healing. Hope your man experiences a quick and full recovery too.