Getting ready to swap a 5.7 into my 73 Dart Swinger
Good God idk where to begin.. Upon instal of milodon oil pan metal was found in the pan. All I have left to take out is crank and pistons and still no obious sign of where the metal came from. ******* rust everywhere in this car, never buy Detroit cars. The "front clip" is offically done and in moving on to the cab and looking for 8.8 lsd rear end to swap. And then there is the rust again. And again... Above the drivers door jam there is some serious Fab and patch work needing to be done. Luckily I bought miller welder to start tig welding my patches but I have no pedal, tank, tig torch, or ground. So for now I'm just trying to get this body ready to get on a frame table to get squared so I can weld in the frame supports and connections. The block will be comming back hopefully within 3 months rebuilt 020 bore over and I also had to drill and thread the block for the motor mount which worked out perfectly but now I am INVESTED with this block in time and it is in great shape like i said before the show's no obvious signs of where it came from.