ryan johnson shady dell

More baseless accusations by a moron.... stop posting childish posts and go to bed.

Rob, quit embarrassing yourself. You sound like the biggest dk head, and you already know you're a half awake nite shift from a heart attack... so why get all wound up here. Lately... you,Jeff and now slowfart , who all seem to hang from the sack of a 'certain builder' ...rolleyes... have started in with this...
"oh you know it all"....
"you have all the answers, huh..."
and now it's...
"lord almighty" and "crystal ball" ...
If I were a 12 yr old... I would think you were jealous, but being called a hypocrite BY ONE... well, that's fkn priceless right there and very projecting of you.
God forbid someone tell the truth and be fair to others...right.