Poor Barracuda, guy just bought it too....

Trying to avoid a total POS in a car that cannot be replaced.

I don't get this. The article said the other driver had a "medical condition". Maybe that doesn't excuse his being out on the road, but at least going from the article there's no reason to jump all over the other driver, we don't know what the issue was. I would think most of the people on this board are of the age that a medical condition could cause an accident pretty much any time they're out on the road. And none of these cars can be replaced, so should we just park all of them? Garages burn down, get hit by trees, floods, tornado's, etc.

One of our own members parted the thing out. Not that it would have been an easy fix, but it's all just sheet metal. That bugs me more, everyone just writes these cars off after an accident. "Oh it's totaled, off to the scapper". Isn't that what your insurance is for? Almost all the sheet metal is reproduced. The stuff that isn't is still readily enough available from guys parting cars out instead of fixing them. Everyone gets bent out of shape over a car in an accident, meanwhile a dozen other cars were parted out that probably could have been fixed. Everyone complains, but when it comes down to them they take the quick money and part 'em.

Wow, cant make things like this up, quote from the article just makes me sick;

The driver of the Barracuda Fastback, a Ripley, New York man, bought the vintage car three days ago and was out for his first ride, Sharon Foster of Westfield, New York said.

Foster and her husband restored the vehicle. They sold it Saturday after owning it for 11 years.

Foster arrived at the scene of Monday’s accident after receiving a call from the driver of the Barracuda Fastback. They had attended an event with other classic car owners on Erie’s bayfront earlier in the evening.

“I can’t believe it,” Foster said. “He was so excited tonight to be out with other people. He didn’t want the car to be out in the rain, so he headed back home. And then this. It’s unbelievable.”

Yup, there's some irony for you. If he hadn't been so worried about a little rain he'd probably still have his car. Like I said, even garages burn down. No such thing as "safe", accidents can happen no matter what you do. Might as well drive them and enjoy them, at least if something happens you got to have some fun.

And if something does happen, fix the damn thing instead of tossing it!