Gerahead's 71 Dart

Time to get caught up with the pix of progress. The passenger fender DA'd and degreased.


The quarter panel extensions and one fender extension

similarly treated and ready for an epoxy shower. An old ironing board makes a great platform for painting smaller items. The height is more comfortable and the grate platform is really handy to hang smaller items on coat hanger hooks.


This is the last fender extension that was first glass bead blasted and then sanded and ready for epoxy. That's the Comet 1/4 miler in the background.


The pass fender and end caps in epoxy. There is some cosmetic attention needed to teh quarter caps. The fronts are in pretty good shape.

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I got the driver's fender stripped down tonight, but ran out of time to get it DA'd, degreased and squirted. I'll have to get that done tomorrow I guess. It feels really good to be making visible progress! L8r

