Questions for the painters...

Many shops commonly apply self-etching primer to bare metal surfaces. But most polyester fillers and epoxy primers should not be applied directly over self-etching primers. So what do you apply when you need additional filling? Feather Fill G2 is the answer. This is from the Eastwood website.
You can keep arguing with me, but, I can read, and I know what happened to me. You weren't there, You have your opinion, I have mine. Let it go.

I have no doubt you can read. Comprehension is probably the issue. It clearly says epoxy and poly primers should not be applied over SELF ETCHING PRIMER. At no point did you say you used self etch as this would be your reasoning behind the issue of compatibility between dp and slick sand (there is absolutely no compatibility issues with this combo)... I have sprayed HUNDREDS OF GALLONS OF DP WITH ZERO ISSUES EVER. Please don't let your inexperienced problems misguide another novice. It gets really old reading the arm chair painters advice to people who don't have a clue if the information is correct or not. No further comment.