Who is using an oil deflector under the intake?

How hot does the oil get, and how is it cooled?
If you eliminate the bottom of the intake as a radiator to the outside world, then
do you need to replace it with another?
This is another reason I run the AirGap; My 7-blader is pumping air across that radiating surface below 30mph whenever the clutch calls for it. After 30/35 ram air does the same job, and the fan freewheels. At high speed, if ram air can't keep up, the Thermostatic clutch automatically cuts back in. That valley cover is a pretty big radiator plate.
If you run that tin-deflector, all the oil being flung around gets rerouted to the pan, straight down,onto the spinning crank which will probably whip it up like Smokey Yunich says; into a writhing monster (or something like that), which ends up , you guessed it, slowed down in the windage tray getting beat up, and heated up, and in the end costing horsepower.
IMO,the trick is to get the oil back to the pan, past the crank or past the ends of it.Sometimes you have to lose a few ponies to gain a few, like losing a battle to win a war, like saying yes dear.......