It looks like the sway bar would be perfectly aligned if you were using 65-72 LCAs with the factory sway bar tab. Could the wrong bracket been included in the kit?
Hi Don. In looking at the directions, the sway bar hanging bracket included in the kit calls for the bracket to be mounted to the lower shock bolt. With this said, and in looking at the directions, the coined end of the sway bar should rest directly below the hole in the bracket; however, the coined end of the sway bar, on both ends, is within a no clearance zone with regard to the steering knuckle when turning the wheel. I am in touch with Hellwig and Classic Industries where I bought the unit, so we will see what they have to say. I was just curious if any other members had a similar experience. In looking at the clearance, and in viewing Hellwig's illustrations, I am of the opinion that, possibly, the wrong bar was packaged in the kit, but I will find out and post the answer.....just my thoughts. Could be that I am not seeing things within the directions clearly....happens sometimes. Thanks. sgrip65