Brake Noob

Not what I'm talking about. When you take the drums off, or when when working on disks, you'll find much dust gnerated that has stuck around.
Don't blow it, wash it.

New Old Stock. Traditionally referred to original factory parts, but now often refers to any unused (new) old stock. In other words, older parts store replacements.
Asbestos is a mineral product that is an excellent insulator. In ref to brake linings, it was frequently used in the compounds but generally fell out of use by the end of the 1980s. When the fibers are loose and floating around in the air they can get into people lungs - and then cause major problems. hence my first advice about washing down with brake cleaner - and not to blow it with air. That's true no matter what type of lining you're dealing with. Dont want to breathe any of it.
I think you should learn to replace the linings and hardware first. Also learn to bleed the system. No reason to make the learning curve steeper than it is.
Get the right parts, follow the books, do it, learn as you go. The 10" brakes will perform fine when they're working right. Road racing, hauling a trailer, or long down hills is where the ability of the disks to disapate the heat comes into play.

My apologies I was driving this morning when I replied. I am so we agreeing that I need to clean the brakes, then also I need to clean the whole engine bay and undercarriage as it is pretty dirty.

New old stock, gotcha, I understand that .I've been on car forums before and often times there is heckling of the new members/dumb questions and wasn't sure if nos and asbestos was heckling.

I have an ok understanding of cars, have bled brakes before, replaced discs and pads before just never have owned a car with drum brakes, so figuring it out is new to me. I've also never had a car 2x as old as me haha.

Drums would probably be fine but I'd like to get new drums, shoes and all the rebuild kits that way everything is new and I know it's working properly for when I am driving my kids around in the car. Knowing I'll do discs eventually, I'm debating if I should just spend the couple extra dollars and do the fronts now .