Edelbrock Pro Flo 4 EFI

Having seen both the tanks inc pump/tank vs the Aeromotive, the Aeromotive has a more robust mounting flange and the pump is much quieter. This is comparing the 200+- tanks vs the 340 Aeromotive. I’m currently waiting on the Gen 2 tank for an e-body with the 200 pump but may decide to go with a gen1 340 again if they don’t get one produced shortly.

You will also have to use the distributor that comes with the pro flo EFI.

Thank you

As an update since it’s been a while, I got tired of waiting for aeromotive to have the new 200 gph tank and pump ready so I ended up using the Gen 1 tank again. All is well and the pro flo 4 is working good so far. Still doing some tweaking and getting used to the software differences from the Pro Flo 3.

Anyone who ends up using Areomotive’s Gen2 tank please post up your thoughts.

On another note, I also used the Blue and Brown wires feeding the ballast resistor for the pink wire. On the Pro Flo 3 the voltage had to stay above 10.5 volts to the pink wire under cranking conditions in order for the system to start. Not sure if the Pro Flo 4 is the same or not so I wired it the same as I did the Pro Flo 3 through a relay fed from the starter relay positive stud. So far no issues with starting either one.