Dying breed

Around here seems like the only young attraction to cars is buying a $400 fart can muffler
and putting it on a 2.0 ricer half assly(usually bent, un fastened) and wallahhhhhh, an annoying wanna be hotrod....LMFAO
Well, IMO, that’s half the problem. Kids will purchase what they can;

1: Afford.
2: What is popular.
3: What they can understand better.

A Honda or Toyota is easier to get parts for. They litter the junk yards, there cheap & there modified really easy while getting reasonable mileage stock or mildly modified.

The older generation crapped on the kids heads about getting a real car when the muscle car prices skyrocketed beyond the kids means. (Thanks Barrett Jackson & every moron that suddenly thinks there rust bucket is now worth $20K!) So you can’t blame them for not giving two craps about old American muscle. They just see a bunch of old men acting like dicks.

Who the hell wants to hang around an old grouchy sell bloating, foul mouthed belittling dickhead?