Stop in for a cup of coffee

First? Good Saturday morning to all and especially TMM on the mend.i am catching up as I worked for Game and Fish yesterday teaching hunters ed classes. It was a hoot, the local Police Dept has selected the hunter ed program as one of their outreach programs. They have a bus with PD logos all over it and bus the kids in for the class. As part of the program the officer selected gets to spend whole day in class, wearing full battle rattle! As we are going over material it dawns on them we do not have a "sample" pistol for class. I have my range bag there and have a couple candidates. Imagine my dismay when my custom Nighthawk 45 becomes a class weapon! Note to self leave range bag at home. They have pizzas ordered for lunch and are going around room asking what all the kids like on their pizzas, 1/2 the kids are vegetarian! Hah! You can't make this up. All in all we had a blast, the officer I worked with was great and the kids are looking forward to today. Literally a 8 hour class day today for kids ranging from maybe 9-16 years old. The hunters ed program is a great way to introduce folks young and old to firearms and firearms safety. And yes you have to pass a very detailed background check to teach! My reputation is ruined!
Why would a vegetarian go hunting? :wtf: lol