Post Your Prayer Requests

I am thankful for this thread My wife who has been battling depression for about 15 years has entered another cycle. She’s 39 and bloodwork showed she is in menopause. I think that created a perfect storm. She left me and my son feb 15th after 19 years of marriage. Moved out. Legally separated, stopped going to church...full spiral. Last several weeks she seems better but is getting her own house and sees my son regularly. But some days she’s friendly to me other days she’s gone. Pray for me and my son in dealing with this rollercoaster, and that she gets some clarity/God softens her heart. I will say God has really protected me and it’s obvious. My BIL moved in this September and for 6 months he saw her behavior change. He still lives at my house. She wanted quick cash so she got bought out of the house, didn’t take any of my pension (21 years) nor 457 plan. Just her share of equity in the house and small child support (due to 50/50). I hope she wakes up but I know Gods carrying me
Continuing to lift you and the family up in prayer my friend.