Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got my original gas filler tube and other stuff yesterday. Won't take long to put it on.
That job has always seemed intimidating. Been thankful I haven't had to do it.
I have a full day of work planned. It's hard work getting back on your feet after a operation I have found. A lot more work when you feel bad.
Good sleep helps. Coffee only can cover that so far.

Well no Gym today.
Have to grab my little friend to pull weeds.
Moved a little over a hundred Belgium block
Yesterday. Started a thread.
Broke the wheel barrel .
Punched a hole in it tossing. Block
Averge Round 35 lbs.
Wasn't that bad only took about 2 hrs.
Today is trim bushes.
Of different types .
That's plenty. Sucks about the wheelbarrow. Sounds fixable. A piece of scap metal or board will work for a while.
I like pruning and shearing. What's the word for making plant sculptures out of privet or boxwoods? That can be amusing.