Stop in for a cup of coffee

Love those Fiat's. Ah! who needs fenders when you have a huffed Hemi under the hood!

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I was passin' through a neighboring village years ago and I saw the roof of a vintage auto above the fence on one of the places I passed. " I recognize that roof! That's a Topolino!". Some months later I'm fiddlin' with the race kart in the garage and my neighbor's father pulls up in a different hot rod than usual. He was a long time member of the Bent Axles and had numerous. Primer red Topolino with fenders. I went over and started talking to him about his new ride. " I just threw it together. Found it in Oceano (the neighboring village). Saw the roof over the fence. Offered the guy $500 and he jumped at it." License plate read "ITSDONE". Old Pontiac OHC6 free, Turbo 350 free, Volvo disc brake diff he had laying around. He had like $1500 invested in it total and that included straightening out the DMV issues.