6.1 Hemi into 72 Demon March 2018

Well it is zero dark thirty last week in July of 2019. Thought I would at least post an update so some of you folks know we are still alive. Thanks to all who have PMd me inquiring about progress. I am in the "dead zone" car is not on sight and still at painters. I have heard it is actually in the shop rather than still sitting in my race trailer so I figure that is progress. Trying not to to be my normal impatient self and just sit on my hands here for a bit and let the painter paint. We had a local car show this week and I had to go as a spectator, Demon isn't done and I had the cuda on the rack addressing some front end neglect. Ya put stickies on the back the nose comes right up! You instinctively lift off the throttle and the resulting return to pavement can be a bit abrupt. Takes some practice to ease her back down,i.e. Feather throttle a bit but stay in it. Spooky when you have to look left or right at the retaining wall for point of reference. Looks easy on tv not so much in real life. On serious note one of you sharp eyed readers spotted me being an idiot on hub assembly. Looks like I may have put them together incorrectly. More on that when I get the car back. I will post a good pix of my mistake as it was super easy to do! Some directions in box would have been handy! I am sure they post directions on website or some such modern method. Hope all you good folks are enjoying your summer. It is very short up here in the frozen tundra. I could smell fall in the air this week.