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Hmmmm... Old wives tale... hornet nest low to ground means mild winter. High in trees means harsh winter. We tend to have them both ways around these parts lol.

I trust you'll make the decision that makes the most sense.
Bald faced are great at controlling aphids, flies and even yellow jackets. :)
On the other hand, they're nasty SOBs when pissed off. :(
I'd be asking myself is that nest really secure? or could the wind or the dog (or a kid) hit the hedge and shake the thing? and possibly drop it? :eek:
Bald-faced Hornet
Bald-faced Hornet Facts - NatureMapping

On the other hand, if you're having trouble with tresspassers - just a tie a string from the branches to some trip wire. :rolleyes:
Don't think I want to tiptoe around this thing till Winter. Somehow we have not stirred them up so far. I run right up alongside them every time I mow. Don't know how long it takes them, but this was not constructed overnight. It's in a Spirea bush, maybe 4 ft off the ground. I took one pass over one side of it and there it was. If I had started on the other side I likely would have run the trimmer into it or maybe under it and had it laying on the ground at my feet. Sitting on the mower going by it would be about a foot from your head. :eek: