Hei conversion troubleshooting
PROBLEM FIXED! But I don't know how...
So, I took the whole wiring harness back out of the car and re-did my bypass for the ballast resistor, put all the wires together in one splice. I re-soldered the wire from alternator to the voltage regulator, and some of the connections to my relay (shortened some to fit in with my factory harness on the firewall and look cleaner).
Then I took my old tan cap, drilled a big hole in the side so I could look at rotor phasing. Hooked everything up, fired up the car and holy **** problem solved. Revs nice and clean, no hiccups. Rotor phasing looks good under mechanical advance, staying squared up on the contact throughout the rev range.
The VR issue is partially resolved now... Voltage is steady around 13.4-14 at idle and shoots up to 16 under a load. Goes back down at idle. Im wondering if I have the wrong VR for HEI, modern alternator and electronic ignition. It is the old points one.