New master and calipers
yep .first open master ; fill it ; open right front bleeder screw and let it drip until you see no bubbles ; close that bleeder and open left front bleeder and let it drip ; close it when there are no bubbles ';close master cap ; go into vehicle and lightly apply brake pedal a couple of times until you start feeling resistance . open master cap back up and fill it ; open right front bleeder and re=bleed it until no bubbles ;close it and do the left front again ; once you see no bubbles close the bleeder; you should only have to gravity bleed it three times . If you have an assistant handy you can have them apply the brake pedal and lightly loosen off the master cylinder lines one at a time and you may get a spurt of air out from them as well . after that you should be done ; if the pedal is mushy you may have to check the rear brake shoe adjustment may have to bleed the rears as well because you did put a new master on it and may have gotten air in the rear wheel cylinders as well; actually more than likely did.......