Black and yellow

I had small bees and then wasps living in the fender of my 70 Super Bee when I had it.

I always thought "how appropriate".

They always kept coming back.
Never bothered me but would fly at and around anyone other than me who approached the driver's door!

Interestingly I had the same thing happen 20 years later with a wasp's nest outside the back door of my office.
I could come and go as I pleased and even go out back to talk on the phone, right underneath them.
But if anyone ever tried to come up to the back door instead of the front, they would swarm!
I called them my trained attack wasps.
I opened the passenger side door on my WIP Duster the other day. As I opened it I let go of the handle and grabbed the top near the rear edge. Almost instantly I felt pain in my right index finger and saw a swarm of wasps. Turns out that the wasps had squeezed between the door and the jamb and built a nest just below the top. I stuck my fingers in the nest when I opened the door. Man, I haven't been stung in decades!