High Charging Rate. Found Voltage Drop Need Guidance Please


Like many of us vehicle electricity is not a possessed skill set of mine. How long can I run the engine with battery charging unregulated? Reason I am asking is that I am currently running a MoPar Blue 3690732 regulator. When hooked up the ignition connection is closed and can't be probed. In order to do some of your recommended tests I would have to disconnect the regulator to access the ignition input. Your thoughts?

I have ordered a stock (solid state) regulator with an open spade type ignition connection. I should have it in a few days. Perhaps I should just wait and get it installed before carrying on. Assuming running unregulated is a problem. Thanks again!

First part. If the alternator output is around 14.8 Volts, I don't think anything will be hurt. Its when the voltage is above 15 Volts that I get concerned.

Second part. This one. Back probe into the connector as shown with arrow.

Then do the same at the ballast resistor connector. That's where the dark blue wire comes from. Inside the ballast resistor connector that wire is joined with a crimp.

I've had the P3690732 do some flakey regulation similar to what you are describing. But start with looking for resistance. That's the first problem to solve. On my '67 Barracuda, the ignition feed wire on my replacement harness had a poor crimp inside the ballast resistor connector. I've posted some pictures of that. See below