Stop in for a cup of coffee

It will be very Nou-veau.
Colored concrete is one thing, done that many times. Asphalt only comes in black, sometimes maybe a little brownish cast if the hot plant operator is not paying attention :rofl:. I actually set a load on fire once. I looked over at the temp gauge on the rock and sand heading for the mixer 600*F. Usual is about 360*. The flash point on asphalt oil is about 650*. I knew it was junk so I sent it off to the waste pile :BangHead:. A few hours later loader operator calls me on the radio "This AC is still smoking". "I'll be right there". He met me down there, had a gray ashy look to it. He reached out with the bucket and back dragged the crust off and WHOOOOSH went the flames. Took me 3 loads of water in the water truck to get it cooled off :rofl:. Never did figger out what happened to the burner control to let that happen :rolleyes: