Brainstorming Ideas for 400-450 hp 360 Build

I've said several times you can make more HP with the open chamber head for the reasons MO mentions
especially you keep the revs above the torque peak
run extra special good gas
The traditional high compression big cam combination converter, gears etc

but you can make a better running street build with less sensitivity to timing and fuel with tight quench
remember this is a 4 speed build
no converter to keep the revs up and more likely to ping if lugged
build the tight quench motor
you do not want to always have to shift down when you would rather just give it some gas and go

No one argued the benefits of quench fyi

I stated a fact that you dont need it to make the goal and you dont have any pinging issues @9.5 and an 8 or hair lower dynamic. that's like 155 psi. You'll be fine.
And if we start debating why not another .5 and get some more snap just for the sake of arguing for quench... well.. that speaks for itself. Ran many 340's 360's like this.