Post Your Prayer Requests

Let me start by saying this is an awesome community! I have learned so much and made many Mopar friends.

I have noticed in the last year or so the increase in folks needing prayer. I am a believer in the healing power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through prayer. So I’m going to throw this out there. Whom ever post their prayer needs here I promise to pray for that person and/or the persons/circumstances. I will mark your request with a “like” after I have prayed. I will check the thread frequently throughout each day. I encourage others to pray with me and “like” the request afterward. And please reply to your prayer request when it has changed or been answered. Praise reports are awesome! Remember God is good! He may not answer our prayers the way we would like but I believe that no prayer goes unanswered or unheard.
God bless


If the mods find this is appropriate, well then they will do what they have to do, and I’ll pray for them too!

I aint Joe Christian , but usually say a quick prayer when people ask on here and in my personal life too. There are those that I know that I pray for regularly.
----------------I aint sure why I shared that w/ u -----???
The goof ball left needs prayer , they are at the point of total -----------------------