Black and yellow

I like using ether on those nasty little flying assholes. Have dealt with a few nests over the years, first one was around 1999 in a tree in my front yard, never noticed it until my dog got nailed one evening, and me twice on the ankle immediately after. A huge yellow jacket nest, a little bigger than a basketball was tucked among the branches. Contacted an exterminator that I did a lot of business with and asked his advice. "Either pay me $200.00 to take care of it, or wait until late at night, around 2 or 3 AM, and spray the hell out of it with ether. It will damage some of the tree branches, but they should recover". Got 3 cans of starting fluid, had 6 or 7 beers, and covered as much of my skin as possible, then snuck up on the tree and blasted that sucker with 2 full cans. All was quiet after only a couple minutes, and the ones that had been out and about began to return to the nest, only to meet their end. Took it down the next evening and tossed it into the fire pit, enjoying the sizzling sound of them frying.
Had 2 good sized nests about 6 years ago in a shrub near the front door of our current house, wife decided she didn't like the way the plant was overtaking the sidewalk and wanted it out. She is very much a do it yourself type, so she started to cut it out with a hand saw and quickly got stung 5 or six times on both wrists. Well that only pissed her off, and once she had iced her hands down, we both went out, armed with a can of ether each, spraying full bore. Next day I went in with a chainsaw and found another damn nest, got stung twice, now I'm pissed and ready to get the gas can and some matches. Another round of ether and one more day wait before it was finally all gone. Now we hang wasp traps around the yard and watch as they attack and kill each other. Cheap entertainment!