New toy for you gun guys.

Yea its very sad and unfortunate that I hobby I really enjoy has such a stigma because of a few crazy evil people. I'm not gonna get political here but if you think about it there has supposedly (according to cnn) been 250 mass shootings in America this year. I do not believe or agree with that number but that's not for me to debate. But let's say its true. There are 390 million guns in America, civilian owners in America make up 46 percent of the entire gun population in the world! So Americana own almost half a billion guns and 250 ppl do something horrible and the entire media focuses on the guns. I hate it for the families and the people who loose their lives and loved ones in such senseless acts of violence and I agree something needs to be done. But more legislation on law abiding citizens isnt the answer.

There isn't a damn thing anyone can do about shootings after the fact, and we will never be rid of people that find a reason to do violent things to others.
Best we can do is kill the bastards and be done with them.
I don't claim to speak for everyone, but I don't think gun laws are going to help much.
If I'm that pissed at someone and don't have access to a gun, that isn't going to save em.
A baseball bat, a car, a brick, a rock, 2x4, there's lots of other choices.