New toy for you gun guys.

Right on the money. Guy in Paris used a truck. Sickos in Japan used Serin gas. 9/11 guys used box cutters and 3 planes! Gun control laws can only affect law abiding citizens. Mass shootings make me sick, mass "shooting up" and dying is a national disaster: over 15000 citizens died of ****** overdosing in 2017. Guess what: ****** is illegal! You should not even be able to get it at all (but you can get the tools to use it for free in any big city). Imagine if big cities gave out cheap 9mm autos at the clinic but the ammo was 'illegal'? Before we outlaw the tools, let's look at the mind behind them first. F the civil liberties clowns that say we cannot protect crazies from themselves and ourselves by putting them in a controlled environment. We had funny farms up until the Reagan years until some ACLU lawsuit got a federal judge to pull the trigger on those. We have facebook algorithms that catch gun fans, youtube filters that block Christianity, yet they do not have hate speech triggers, or psychotic "kill/murder/waste/etc" rant alarms where these loonies post their diatribes or manifestos on prior to their acts.
So, been to any good car shows lately? Tell us about it, we need some good news.
Yep I agree 100 percent. I know I will get some flack for this statement but I dont care! I think video games and movies raising our kids have alot to do with it too! Video games are not like they where when we were kids. Its not digital 1d graphics anymore these games are so realistic now I have played some of the new call of duty games and they are real there was certain scenes that bothered me as an adult I cant imagine what it does to a to a child's mind! It has to desensitize young people mind. And they play that crap for hours and hours for years and years by the time their adults they have no compassion for human life because all they have done for their entire existence is simulate killing ! Have you ever noticed most of the shootings are from people 15-25 not all but most!