New toy for you gun guys.

I can not ever recal how many time i have argued the fact that "gun laws only affect law abiding citizens."

Its crazy to me that more people dont understand this.

My sister was one of the people who voted for the "assault weapons ban" when i found that out i was pissed. I sat her down and we had a long talk about how assault weapons are already not legal. After our talk she said, "oh i never knew all that..."


Nice new toy. For me the 1911 just isn't the right fit for my hands but i sure do love my SIG!

Just a few weeks ago i took a customer to the range who is in a wheelchair. He always assumed that he couldn't shoot guns because of his situation. I took him out and let him run A TON of ammo through some of my favorite toys and he had a blast!

He will be buying a pistol shortly. Me and him are gonna go to the indoor pistol range where he can rent any pistol and see what he realy likes.

He is not the first person i have convinced that guns are not evil and dam it sure did feel great seeing the smile on his face!

I would say 99 percent of gun owners are great folks. When me and him got to the range it was fully packed. This range only has 2 wheelchair accessible benches. A guy and his lady were using both benches. I asked if he would mind giving up one for my friend and lickety split he moved his stuff.

In fact the guy has a old truck that he wants fixed so i gave him my card and me, my buddy, the guy and his lady had a great time SHARING the bench. He even shoot his mouser! (Spelling?) And i let him shoot my 308 and .556.
Mauser is the correct spelling lol I love old guns especially mausers I have several of them and have build a few of them they are great guns.
You are absolutely correct about the people who haven't been around guns and have never shot. Once they try it and are taught how to do it safely they have a lot of fun and usally become a addict lol
It's always a hairy subject talking politics and guns some people just dont get it. Most because they have never used one they think guns just kill people all on their own. Like said before if someone wants to do an evil act if they dont have a gun they will use something else.