New toy for you gun guys.

At one time I got really good with my rock island (my original one the one I still have) I shot it alot I put tons of ammo thru it and just had a connection with it I was extremely confident in my ability to hit almost anything with it. Me and my brother in law was at the range shooting one time and we was shooting a 8 inch steel gong at 100 yards with rifles. Well my brother in law hit the chain and was swinging by one chain we got up the go fix it. I said wait a minute I want to see if I can hit it with my pistol. He was like no way man that's impossible.
So I drew my 1911 and in the first shot...Ping! He said no way you just did that. Do it again. So I shot again Ping! I laughed and put my gun up he just stood there like he couldnt believe it. I couldnt do it now but at that time I could really drive tacks with it. I use to do all kinds of trick shots with it I even split a card with it a couple times. That is incredibly difficult its alot harder than they make it look on youtube lol
I read somewhere that trump was gonna surplus alot of those older guns to save money in storage for the us military. I'd love to get my hands on a couple of those old original 1911s that a gunsmiths dream!