Blowing Voltage Regulators

dejavu all over again. wink-gif.gif
Blowing voltage regulators

If you're going to go straight through the bulkhead with a power feed, I'd start with the alternator.
Actually I'd figure out what is wrong. But if it is the alternator output conection at the bulkhead, disconnect the battery and run a parallel wire to the ammeter stud if its not too difficult. Put a ring terminal on the wire and connect in there. Some bulkhead connectors were better than others. I don't know what your buddy's looks like so not going to pre-judge.

But as you may have guessed, modifying a harness doesn't mean you'll solve the problem. Sometimes it even makes it worse.
So lets see if we can help you help your buddy figure out what's going on.

PS. If you have a hand held voltmeter with probes, that will be helpful in conjunction with observing the ammeter. But lets start with what you've got and can observe.