Hei conversion troubleshooting
Looking at your pics, the spade on the red wire looks flat doesn’t have the curved edges, is it making a good solid connection?
Yes, it is very hard to get on and off. excellent connection
Question for the OP..........do you have a tach and have you tried disconnecting it?
No tach, the signal wire has a wire nut on the end and hangs down under the distributor.
So tomorrow, I'm going to mock the HEI back up with a new coil and module and see what happens.
I'm still a little hung up on the W/G orange and black wires and how that connection can supposedly be reversed. If it is an oem mopar distributor, wouldn't the car not run right with the original distributor connector and factory wiring harness? They only hook up one way, no way to reverse it.
As you can see in the above picture of my module mount, I currently have orange hooked to W, and black hooked to G. Again, car starts and idles beautifully. If i try to reverse them, the car won't start and backfires occasionally. So that should confirm they are in the correct position, right?