New steel lines and really small bleeder
So I just finished yesterday installing all the new steel lines from In Line Tube on my '65 Dart 270 hardtop. I have 9" drums all 4 corners. Bench bled the new dual master res and installed. All was going nicely until bleeding. I have a leak on the distribution block on top where the lines from the master. Seems like I can only attach and tighten these lines off the car. There just isn't enough room on the car to get a wrench on the top of the block.
Anyone know any tricks to make these seat?
Also, and I haven't gotten this far yet, but the front bleeders are surrounded by bolt heads and can't get a flare nut wrench on them even if I had one that small a size, which is really small let alone a bleed tube at the same time which ain't happening!