If you want to break parts, that's the clutch I would use. You don't need or want a twin disc clutch. You don't need all that rotating weight. You NEED as a MUST HAVE aluminum flywheel.
You need to invest in a sintered iron disc clutch. They are expensive because you just can't run an 11 inch Long style pressure plate. You need a 10.5 unit. If you could use the 11 inch plate, you could do it for under a grand. But you can't. That's ok. Smaller is better.
Don't let anyone talk you into a dual disc clutch or a diaphragm clutch. You need a good, quality adjustable sintered iron clutch. That would be the McLeod Sof-Lok, or a custome Black Magic clutch, or call Hyatt or the guy in Idaho and have one of them hook you up. You can use almost nothing for base pressure.,I run around on the street with about 650 pounds of base pressure. At the track (if I ever decide to do it) I'll be at about 800 pounds of base pressure and maybe 15-20 grams of centrifugal weight. That's all.
Pressure plate load is what breaks parts. And heavy flywheels. You just don't need them.
Spend your money on a clutch and you won't regret it.
I'll look up the name of the guy from Idaho.