Effect of Air Density on Carburation

Glad you posted this for those wanting to learn. There is more to it than straight math.

Again, the math used to calculate CFM to chose a carb was wrong back then. It's wrong today.

Repetition of wrong concepts not only continues the mistake, it compounds it. Just like power valve timing. I come back to that because it is so horrible that it makes carbs do wrong things, and tuners making wrong tuning decisions because they aren't using the circuit as they should be.

Your example of Pikes Peak is an eye opener. Just another example of guys at the track changing jets like a mad man, when they should go through the carb, circuit by circuit and once they all work together, most likely you'll never touch a jet.

Carbs are very simple, yet complex devices. They are essentially self adjusting. Yet the ignorance remains in the public domain because people are unwilling to set aside life long thinking and actually learning how they work.