I don't like this gas pump credit card thing at all.

the car wash i go to changed and failed to tell anyone.

Lost a bunch of customers over the fist few days.
This is a change to reduce credit card fraud. The expense of credit card fraud ultimately is paid for by all of the honest credit card users. So if you are an honest credit card user, the change to chipped card readers ultimately helps you. The credit cards with chips in them are much more secure than the magnetic strip.
Unfortunately it does take a moment for the credit card electronics to sense and read the chip in the card.
Another benefit is the chip in the card is much more robust against damage, compared to credit cards that have the magnetic tape.

And it does not take the consent or awareness of ‘management’ for a trick card reader to be installed.
All it takes is some thief affixing a credit card magnetic tape reader / forewarder to the actual magnetic tape reader. The use of chip cards prevents that type of theft.