Engine Oil 360 LA?

Thanks for all your info, what do you show at idle, fully warmed up? Thanks

35lbs at 210 idling at 800rpm. (I figured I would answer with my average high temps like idling in traffic)

One of the things that opened my eyes to who refines oil was my honda snowblower.

I took the hydraulic drive apart and need to refill it. The honda oil was like 16 bucks a quart. My buddy who runs a snow removal business said, "do you think Honda makes oil?, no they just have their labe put on the bottle." He runs standard hydro oil in all his machines.

Honda says not to run anything except their oil. I filled her up with some hydro out of a 55 gallon drum that my buddy had and she ran for another 5 years before i sold that machine......

Lots of hydraulic systems are capable of running standard hydro oil in them, including transmissions and power steering units.
If you have ever seen hydro static drive systems it becomes clear very quickly that the hydro oil is capable of lubing super high pressure mechanical pumps, drive motors and valving systems.