Does this car look squatted

You can put bigger tires on and make it look better. It does need springs though.

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Every time I see your car, I think it has perfect tire proportions and rake for a street car.

I figured the rear leafs are shot. If the front has been lifted I fuse the po tightened the torsion bars. It needs new ones too. They are the original. At 70 it’s like riding a boat in the Gulf of Mexico. Lol. And body roll. It has a lot. Lol

If those headers are like most, they are run under the steering gear. Horrible design and I'd toss 'em first chance I get. Dougs or TTI will give you much more clearance, confidence, and maybe even more power.

As far as suspension, many members here will give you feedback (read: Get into huge arguments) over how much is enough, but I think we all agree that stock can easily be improved upon.