Pieces of steel in cylinder??

I was thinking the same thing. If they did it once, what’s stopping them from doing it again?

So, playing devil’s advocate here. What if the last shop who had hands on it did everything right, and the seat failed from me driving it so hot? The driver side valve seals were all pretty burnt up, and I know for a fact the headers on that side had a leak after I installed them.

Well, some exhaust valves you've pictured sit proud (correctly) in the head and some low (incorrectly). So that right there means they did a crappy job. Also, as I said before, there are ZERO signs of stakes around any of those exhaust seats. That's an important step to help keep the seats from falling out. So in short, they screwed up. One more point. 10,000 plus HP top fuel engines ALL have hardened seats pressed into aluminum heads. Do you not think they drive those hard?